Sash Balances and Double Hung Windows: How Do They Work Together?

If you have double hung windows in your home or business, it’s important to understand sash balances and how they assist in efficiently opening and closing windows.

What Are Sash Balances?

Sash balances, also referred to as window balances, appear on each side of a double hung window and regulate the movement of the window sash. The sash balance sits inside the window frame and helps to counterbalance the weight of the window sash. The job of the sash balance is to regulate the way a window opens and closes, allowing for equal movement between each sash.

What Are Double Hung Windows?

Double hung windows, also known as double sash windows, allow for more airflow than single hung windows. Double hung windows have two sashes, one upper and one lower, that move up and down so that they are both operable.

Warm air will flow out of the top of a double hung window, while cool air will flow in from the bottom of the window. Maximum ventilation and easy maintenance is what makes double hung windows desirable.

Sash Balances and Double Hung Windows: Working Together

Now that we know what sash balances and double hung windows are, how do these two window parts work together?

One of the main reasons homeowners or business owners replace their windows is due to the window not easily operating up or down. This is caused by the sash balance not working properly. Without the sash balance working together with the double hung window, it’s not possible to have a functioning window. The balance’s duty is to counteract the force of gravity of the window.

There are a variety of sizes, types and styles of sash balances, and Reflect Window & Door can help you find the one that best suits your double hung window. Shop our window replacement parts for the double hung door or sash balance you’re looking for.


Reflect Window & Door are your experts for Local Window Services. We offer window services for both residential homes as well as businesses and other commercial applications. Contact us or call today at 1-877-434-3410 for local services from our Edmonton office, including window and door replacement, repair, and installation, glass replacement, emergency window and door services, and more.

We service all types and sizes of windows, including vinyl windows, aluminum windows, wood windows, and others. We can work with casement windows, awning windows, sliding windows, bay windows, picture windows, skylights, and more.